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Global Giving Group (3G)


We Care

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"No One Has Ever Become Poor by Giving".

     This is a quote that transforms many lives, including those of 3G members and their community. In 3G, we believe it is our moral obligation as human beings to help each other during hardship, whether it’s friends or strangers. Recently, 3G Cambodia, led by Ms. Noung Samboth, and her team, made a big impact by contributing to one of the 3G members who had lost a loved one.


3G Cambodia

     3G Cambodia showcased that by contributing small donations that could make a huge impact. They believe that we don’t have to be a millionaire to make a significant difference in improving others’ quality life. In 3G, we also believe giving makes us happy and develops our sense of well-being. Happier people tend to give more, and happiness operates in a positive loop.


Giving is loving

     As a quote says, "When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, but it also changes the world". This was truly reflected when the 3G member who lost her beloved one decided to ‘give back’ to help create a better world that we want to live in.


     The death of a loved one is a painful experience. As we move through the pain of grief, it is important to remember that many people find new strengths and ways to endure relationships with others.



     Therefore, she decided to donate the contribution to the family of COVID-19 survivors, who sorely need this financial assistance. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the future has never felt so unpredictable, but there are still reasons to smile! Giving by sharing, Giving is caring and Giving is loving.






Where will 3G's help go? Who will benefit?

The homeless people of Melbourne, Victoria and of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will get benefitted.


Why support homeless?

3G has been incorporated in Victoria and the BoD of 3G feels compassionate towards the homeless people that suffer in the streets of Melbourne. A request has come from 3G Club of Malaysia and 3G Club of Thailand to help homeless in Kuala Lumpur. Based on national reports, it's estimated that no less than 150 million people, or about 2 percent of the world's population, are homeless. However, about 1.6 billion, more than 20 percent of the world's population, may lack adequate housing.


Homeless in Melbourne

Victorian government states, "Homelessness rates in our municipality have soared over the past ten years. In the 2016 Australian Census, 1728 people were recorded as homeless. This nearly doubled in just five years, up from 923 in the 2011.There has also been a sharp increase in the number of people sleeping rough in our city. We know from our StreetCount 2018 data that almost 300 people were sleeping on the streets in City of Melbourne on any given night. Due to the economic effects of COVID-19, unemployment is increasing in Australia. An enormous number of people in Melbourne and Victoria are at risk of homelessness, now and in the months and years to come." [Ref:]


Homeless in Kuala Lumpur

A study conducted by the Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) has revealed that the number of homeless people in Kuala Lumpur stands at 1,500-2,000 as of February 2016. These figures show a threefold increase of homeless people since 2014, where only 600 homeless people were recorded. Based on the figures obtained, the rate of homelessness is increasing by the year. The fundamental reason for this possibly being due to the stagnating economic situation in the last few years. [Ref:]


Orphan Children


Which orphanages 3G plans to help?

When a 3G club is started, an orphanage gets identified at their vicinity, to base their support for the orphan children. The following are the orphanages that are identified for this project.

Malaysia - United Learning Centre for Refugees Children, 3C, Jalan Imbi off Jalan Horley, Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

Sri Lanka - Kohombiliwela Bauddha Balika Orphanage, No.50, Kohombiliwela, Matale, Kandy

Cambodia - National Action Culture for the orphan poor children association, St 80, Phnom Penh

Thailand - Tadika Nurul Hidayah, Tutung, Pattani


What help will 3G provide to these children?

3G plans to help them get decent food, clean water, necessary clothing, safe roof, educational support and entertainment.


Why orphan children?

UNICEF and global partners define an orphan as a child under 18 years of age who has lost one or both parents to any cause of death. By this definition, there were nearly 140 million orphans globally in 2015, including 61 million in Asia, 52 million in Africa, 10 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This large figure represents not only children who have lost both parents, but also those who have lost a father but have a surviving mother or have lost their mother but have a surviving father.


Of the nearly 140 million children classified as orphans, 15.1 million have lost both parents. Evidence clearly shows that the vast majority of orphans are living with a surviving parent grandparent, or other family member. 95 per cent of all orphans are over the age of five. [Ref:]





Tania Allan (28) lives in Mangaliliu, North Efate, Vanuatu with her daughter Adimaiwai Allan (2) and her son Christopher Allan (10 months) finding difficult to make both ends meet. She is one among many single mothers in Vanuatu, a country of 83 islands with 6 provinces.


Why help single mothers in Vanuatu?

When a family loses its father for many obvious reasons, the mother has to take up the work of breadwinner, if she has not yet been working. If she is already working, parenting becomes harder. They lose their leisure time, while they fight to balance work and parenting. Providing food, medicine, safety, schooling and such for her children become a grave challenge. Single mothers often emotionally down, feeling guilty of their contribution towards their kids while her extended families, colleagues or the community look down on them.


There is no one to share good and bad experiences. She can not employ a babysitter, due to her economical constraints. The sense of loneliness brings her depression. The financial constraints bring her worry and sickness. It is worse when she loses her job.


In this situation, she does not get time for self care. It drains them emotionally, cognitively, and psychologically. It is one of the rising concerns in Vanuatu and 3G Vanuatu has committed to face the reality and help these single mothers.


What help would 3G plan to give to these single mothers?

Global Giving Group prioritise its help. First and foremost the children have to be fed and taken care of with decent food, clothing, medicine, schooling and safety. Second the single mothers have to come as a group and get a sense of togetherness. It will be a support group. Thirdly, if possible, single mothers could be helped with economic assistance to start a small business.

3G Gift Cards

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You can also donate clicking the button below to support Global Giving Group's mission of supporting United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals including zero hunger, women empowerment, climate change and health of people and planet.


3G is a global network of leaders who visualise and work for a world where all people can live together amicably and live with nature harmoniously. They will make a difference in themselves, in their communities and across the globe.


35, Trillium Boulevard

Cranbourne North

Victoria 3977


No. A0103217Y

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